Who We Are
We are a multicultural English-speaking community of Christ-following internationals seeking to live out our faith together in every relationship and every dimension of our lives. We come from all over the world and are young and old, married and single, rich and poor, long-timers and short-timers, believers and seekers.
What We Do

We exist to invite people to know, follow, and share Jesus. That means that we value a personal, authentic love relationship with God through Jesus Christ. That means that we seek to become like Jesus in every way – thinking, feeling, and acting. That means we serve each other and God’s world in love especially by sharing God’s love with others. We summarize what we do with the slogan: Helping people find and follow Jesus.
We do that together as we celebrate our love for God in worship, learn to love one another through small groups, grow to be more like Jesus through Bible application, serve one another and our neighbors through ministries, and share God’s love locally and around the world through missions.
What We Believe

As a Christ-focused, Bible-centered evangelical church we teach and practice the traditional teachings of Christianity with an emphasis on God’s love shown in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Bible—God’s written Word—guides our lives so we devote a lot of our time to studying and applying its truths to our daily lives. We take seriously our responsibility to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in our personal lives, our homes, our community, and our world.
As a Bible church, we belong to the “free-church” tradition where each individual is invited to respond personally to God’s gift of salvation. We baptize (underwater) those who commit themselves to following Jesus in faith. If you’d like to know more about our beliefs, check out the “Our Beliefs” page.
When We Meet

We gather every Sunday at 5-6:30 p.m. for worship and after worship coffee. We meet in the facility of the FEG Buchs conveniently located behind the Migros Do It + Garden Center where you’ll find plenty of parking (our location). When you arrive you’ll be greeted at the door by our friendly hosts who will answer any of your questions, introduce you to others, and show you to your seat.
Your kids will join us for the first part of the service when we sing, welcome each other, read the Bible, and pray together. After that, your kids – nursery through 6th grade – will go to their groups where our Kids Team will teach them a lesson from the Bible. We will then hear a relevant teaching from the Bible intended to help us live a Christlike life of love in our personal lives at home, work, and play. Afterwards we enjoy a time of informal conversation at our Coffee Time.