Share Jesus, serve the body, tell your story

Share Jesus, serve the body, tell your story

“We invite people to know, follow, and share Jesus.”

Our Mission

Our simple but powerful mission statement is a clear and concise summary of our core commitment as a church to be a Great Commission church devoted to the mission of Jesus.

Last week’s worship service was devoted to the foundational principle of “follow Jesus.” Like his first followers, Jesus calls us as well:  “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” (Matthew 4:19)  This verse defines what it means to be a follower (i.e. disciple) of Jesus:

Follow – nurture an ongoing intimate personal relationship with Jesus by being with him

Formed – submit to the work of the Spirit as Jesus shapes you to be like himself

Fish – take up the mission of Jesus proclaiming the Kingdom of God through your life, words, and actions

Following Jesus, being formed by him, and taking on his mission is accomplished through our partnership with the Holy Spirit by making ourselves available through “holy habits” or spiritual disciplines such as:

  • Time Alone w/ God Through His Word
  • Transformative Prayer – Talking & Listening
  • Tithing Our Time, Talents, and Treasures
  • True Fellowship – Support & Challenge

Our upcoming Connect Course Class “Follow Jesus” will introduce this topic and these “holy habits” to help you learn by experience what it means to follow Jesus.

P.S.  Laurie and I will be away this Sunday attending the installation of the new pastor at our previous church – International Baptist Church Berlin.  Pray for our safe travels and for Josia as he prepares and delivers God’s message.


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